

Judo Australia Grading Requirements (as of Nov 2018)

6th Kyu - White Belt - A beginner adopts this grade upon commencement

5th Kyu - Yellow Belt - No minimum time. This grade is awarded to those who have gained competence in Ukemi (falling) and an introduction in judo techniques, training methods, terminology and history. The following techniques need to be demonstrated: Nage Waza (8 throws of 1st kyo), Osaekomi Waza (2 Holddowns), Kansetsu Waza (1 Armlock), Shime Waza (1 Strangle), and Turn Overs (1), Moving Past Legs (1).

4th Kyu - Orange Belt - Minimum time: 6 months. This grade is awarded to those who have gained increased knowledge of technique and the ability to perform some techniques with speed and style. The following techniques need to be demonstrated: Nage Waza (16 throws, 1st & 2nd kyo), Osaekomi Waza (4 Holddowns), Kansetsu Waza (1 Armlock), Shime Waza (1 Strangle), Turn Overs (1), Moving Past Legs (1).

3rd Kyu - Green Belt - Minimum time: 6 months. This grade should demomstrate most of the required techniques with speed and style and be competent in randori (free style practice). The following techniques need to be demonstrated: Nage Waza (24 throws, 1st, 2nd & 3rd kyo), Osaekomi Waza (6 Holddowns), Kansetsu Waza (2 Armlock), Shime Waza (2 Strangle), Turn Overs (2), Moving Past Legs (2). Shiai (Contest): 30 points.

2nd Kyu - Blue Belt - Minimum time: 6 months. Good ability at applying and combining techniques in randori and shiai (contest). The following techniques need to be demonstrated: Nage Waza (32 throws from 1st 4 kyos), Osaekomi Waza (8 Holddowns), Kansetsu Waza (6 Armlock), Shime Waza (6 Strangle), Turn Overs (5), Moving Past Legs (3), Kaeshi Waza (2 Counters), Renraku waza (2 combinations). Shiai (Contest): 50 points.

1st Kyu - Brown Belt - Minimum time: 6 months. Very sound knowledge and ability must be shown for all techniques. The following techniques need to be demonstrated: Nage Waza (40 throws), Osaekomi Waza (8 Holddowns), Kansetsu Waza (6 Armlock), Shime Waza (6 Strangle), Turn Overs (6), Moving Past Legs (4), Kaeshi Waza (4 Counters), Renraku waza (4 combinations). Nage-No-Kata (1st 3 sets as Tori). Shiai (Contest): 100 points.

For Black Belt requirements, see the coaches.


Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (02) 62415391
  • Email:
  • Address:
    ANU Sports Centre
  • Bld. 19, North Rd
  • Acton, 26010


This website was made using the awesome Bootstrap 4 template from The very cool black and white images are by Jochem Kohl, and Simon Lagoarde.