Beginners Course


Beginners’ Course details
The aim of the course is to give participants an appreciation of the techniques and skills of Judo as well as gaining actual skills and improving fitness. The classes will tend to be practical rather than theoretical. Attendees will learn how to break-fall, with a fair mix of throwing and grappling techniques. The classes will be taught in the dojo and attendees can wear a Judogi (judo uniform) or loose clothing with a football strength top. Attendees should ensure finger and toenails are cut short.
The beginners’ courses will cover many aspects of Judo but emphasis will be placed on gaining practical Judo skills rather than trying to cram a lot of techniques into a short course. Revision of techniques will occur in all classes to ensure you master the basics. The course will be based on various judo subjects which typically will cover the following content:

Example of a class:

  • Introduction: Judo Etiquette: Bowing and terminology and aims
  • Warm up: Stretching and aerobic exercises and games
  • Break Falls: Rear, Side and Forward: Instruction and practice
  • Throws: Introduction: Off Balancing, Pivoting and throwing.
  • Uchikomi: Repetitious movements where the throwing technique is taken to just before the throw is completed
  • Throwing practice using O-Goshi (Major Hip throw) and Seoi Nage (Shoulder Throw)
  • Grappling: Introduction to Immobilisations using Kesa Gatame (Scarf Hold)
  • Hold Down Challenge
  • Cool down

Expressions of Interest for the next 5 week course in Semester 2 2024 on Thursdays: 25 July to 22 August (8-9.30pm)
Email your details to (Name, age, ANU Student Number if a student) and an email will be sent to you to confirm enrolment. The course fees are ($60 students, $70 ANU Gym Members, $80 non-students) and you can pay the applicable fee when registrations open via UniOne links by selecting one of the courses at the bottom of screen. ANU students need to register under their student numbers.

Get in Touch

  • Phone:
    (02) 62415391
  • Email:
  • Address:
    ANU Sports Centre
  • Bld. 19, North Rd
  • Acton, 2601


This website was made using the awesome Bootstrap 4 template from The very cool black and white images are by Jochem Kohl, and Simon Lagoarde.